האיום האיראני – עידו אהרוני וד”ר איל חולתא

שיח בהשתתפות ד”ר איל חולתא ועידו אהרוניארגון בוגרי ובוגרות אוניברסיטת תל אביב מזמין אותך לשיח של בוגרים מעוררי השראה בנושא האיום האיראני והמצב הביטחוני המאתגר במדינה ישראל

It’s clearer than ever: Israel is not the problem

Published by: NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Jul 10, 2012 at 7:00 am In Syria, body parts are strewn across the streets of Damascus while heartbreaking images — row upon row of children’s corpses — flash across the TV screens in our living rooms. In Bahrain, doctors are thrown into jail for treating injured protestors. In […]

Just let our kids sleep through the night in peace

Ido Aharoni

Published by: New York Post November 17, 2012 5:00am In 2005, Israel uprooted the lives of thousands of Israelis and dozens and dozens of thriving Jewish communities in the hope that Gaza would become the “Singapore of the Middle East.” In reality the Gaza Strip has become a haven of terror. The ruling government provides […]

The Most Dangerous Weapon in Gaza

Ido Aharoni

Published by: The Washington Times Thursday, July 17, 2014 OPINION: There is nowhere left for us to go. Israelis from Eilat to Haifa have heard the red alerts blast as Hamas has indiscriminately launched more than one thousand rockets at our cities over the last few weeks. Israelis throughout the entire country have had to […]

Why Israel cannot relent in this fight

Published by: NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Jul 24, 2014 at 4:30 am Enough is enough. We cannot let history keep repeating itself. For the third time in five years, Israel is being forced to combat a barrage of rockets from the terrorist group Hamas. In 2009, Hamas fired an onslaught on our people, but we […]

Hamas Driven Only by Hatred of Israel

Ido Aharoni

Published by: Newsmax Monday, 14 July 2014 10:54 PM EDT The core of the problem is at the core of Hamas. Over the past few weeks, hundreds of rockets have been fired by Hamas into Israel, putting nearly six million Israelis under direct threat of terror. This Hamas offensive speaks to the incredibly difficult nature […]

The Problem: Iran’s Underlying Motives

Publised by: NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Jul 30, 2015 at 5:00 am Here is why you should be worried about the Iran nuclear deal: The agreement does not prevent Iran over time from threatening America and her allies with nuclear war. It does not permanently prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. But there’s more. The […]

Israel Must Untangle Its Narrative From That of the Palestinians

NEW YORK CONSUL-GENERAL Ido Aharoni meets with ‘Jerusalem Post’ staffers

By SAM SOKOL. Published by: The Jerusalem Post AUGUST 6, 2015 07:13. Updated: AUGUST 6, 2015 07:14. In order to bolster its public relations efforts abroad, Israel must disentangle its narrative from that of the Palestinians and show the world that there is more to the Jewish state than the Arab-Israeli conflict, Ido Aharoni, consul- general of […]

Why it’s not too late to fix the Iran deal

Ido Aharoni

Published by: New Haven Register Sep. 6, 2015 Just like the atomic bomb itself, the impact of the Iran deal could mean lasting harm for generations to come. By capitulating on principle after principle after principle during negotiations, the western powers have handed the Ayatollah regime a stamp of approval for their nuclear ambitions and […]