
How do we rollout?

Implementation is the process that converts your strategy and work plan into actions to achieve your goals. If all was done in order than implementation should be the easiest part in the process. It is critical to growth. Most entities fail to implement their strategic plans. Per Fortune Magazine, nine out of ten organizations fail to implement their strategic plan.

Implementation components:

designing a win-win situation for all partners

Strictly adhere to pre-planned timetable

Set known benchmarks for the implementation

Partnership and coalition building

In order to successfully implement your strategy, you must bring on board partners, and create meaningful partnerships. A partnership is a combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between distinct parties, persons, or states for joint action. 

Think of how raindrops are created, by the union and coalition of water vapor into. Raindrops are a body formed by the coalescing of originally distinct elements.

The same goes for partnership building. It is about coming together to form a stronger whole. 





Non Profit

Non Profit


Cultural Establishm-ent

Educational Establishment

Educational Establishment







Exposure Events

An exposure event is meant to allow buy-in from important groups and individuals. Essentially, exposure events are internal promotional opportunities. Their purpose is to create a string sense of ownership, brand awareness and support.

Goals for Exposure Events:

  • Influencers buy-in

  • Research sharing

  • Strategy sharing

  • Work Plan sharing

  • Open discussion

  • Data-Base creating

  • Long term engagement