How Pat Robertson Introduced NBA to the Middle East? (Interview with Ido Aharoni from 2014)
Founder of CBN Pat Robertson interviews Israeli diplomat about Iran’s nuclear program but is surprised to discover that in the early 1980’s he had a VERY significant role spreading the message of basketball to the entire Middle East through his METV station in Lebanon.
Israel and World Jewry – Panel Discussion at Tel Aviv University (May 2023)
This panel discussion, moderated by Israeli diplomat Ido Aharoni Aronoff, is featuring human rights activist and former cabinet minister Natan Sharansky, San Francisco based philanthropist Dr. Anita Friedman, Israeli-British philanthropist and author Joanna Landau and Israeli philanthropist and attorney Dafna Meitar-Nechmad (who is also the Chairwoman of the Board of Governors of Tel Aviv University).
Roger Waters – getting a taste of his own medicine
Originally published – May 24th – The Jerusalem Post British musician Roger Waters (76) has made the headlines once again, this time complaining that he had been “banned” from Pink Floyd’s official site and social media by his former band mate David Gilmour. In a 5-minute video released on May 19th, Waters shared his deep frustration with […]
פרידה משחקן מרכזי, עידו אהרוני

פורסם באתר: Ynet מאת: קרי רובינשטיין, 01.07.16 , 00:28 לפני שש שנים, כאשר אביגדור ליברמן, אז שר החוץ, מינה את עידו אהרוני לממלא-מקום הקונסול הכללי של ישראל בניו יורק, פורסמו התגובות להחלטה. “התקווה היא שעידו אהרוני יחזיר את נושא ההסברה לראש סדר העדיפויות של הקונסוליה בניו יורק”, נכתב אז. “גם תחום היחסים והקשרים בין הקונסוליה […]
When artists scapegoat Israel

Published by: New York Post June 19, 2013 4:00am Dear Ms. Walker, I am writing this letter to you with great pain, after encountering your name in the news, again, calling for a boycott on my home and country. Recently, you urged a popular American artist to boycott Israel. In your statement you claimed that […]
We Have Always Been Marching Together

Published by: New York Jewish Week May 20, 2014 12:00 am What if I told you that one of the biggest events of the year for the State of Israel takes place not in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv but right here in New York City? And that despite being thousands of miles away, every Israeli […]
How the United Nations Human Rights Council Unfairly Targets Israel
Published by: The Jerusalem Post JULY 30, 2014 5:38 PM EDT here are 1,725 words in the latest resolution released by the United Nations Human Rights Council, which cynically chastises Israel for so-called “human rights violations” in Gaza. Nowhere among those 1,725 words will you find the name of the terror organization that is truly responsible for […]
Widen The Israel Discussion On Campus

Published by: New York Jewish Week February 17, 2015 12:00 am In recent years, the Jewish community has become increasingly concerned with how Israel is perceived on American college campuses. I am asked frequently, mostly by anxious members of the community, about possible solutions to the problem. Throughout my career of more than 20 years, […]
Why Birthright Is The Real Game Changer for Israel

Published by: New York Jewish Week April 21, 2015 12:00 am For the first time in Israel’s 67 years of existence, the conversation surrounding the Jewish state has changed. Rather than seeing Israel as a place of conflict, young people are now looking at it as a place of opportunity. For their parents’ and grandparents’ […]
The Israel Day Parade
Published by: The Jerusalem Post MAY 31, 2015 22:01 Sixty-four years ago, prime minister David Ben-Gurion made a historic visit to New York City. He was given a hero’s welcome by one million New Yorkers who lined the sidewalks of 5th Avenue to cheer him on as he led a parade, showered with confetti and […]